
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Mad Lib Contest: _____ disturbs our _____ needs

What do you think this article is about? Fill in the blanks and YOU could be published in The Brandeis Hoot! Send your submission to eic@thebrandeishoot.com by next Wednesday to be considered!

With the change in _____ comes students and groups looking to take advantage of it and _____. Even somewhat moderate conditions, such as those over the past week, bring folks to turn their frowns upside down and actually show some signs of life. One of these signs, however, can get to be irritating when different clubs and groups _____, blasting loud music and creating traffic along the footpath.

This past Monday featured _____, a festival put on by Student Events that celebrates nothing in particular. Other times throughout the year, there are tables for _____ going on, with t-shirts and free food typically being handed out to those who pass by. While it is nice to receive free gifts just for _____, and these _____ do liven up the campus aura a bit, their location is not the best for what is taking place.

The path that these _____ are placed along is one of the narrowest ones on campus, in terms of space between buildings, and one of the most frequented as hundreds of students _____. With the lure of _____, a lot of students do stop hoping to get their hands on _____. The ensuing _____ leads to students who are _____.

Besides the difficulties of _____, an even more pressing issue is the noise pollution they cause. Whenever _____, they’re usually accompanied by a few _____. Simply walking past it for two seconds creates a literal headache.

Free t-shirts and food are exciting; everyone likes getting something for free. And there are some positive vibes from the_____, but just as many negative vibes are produced to negate it. By moving _____, a lot less agitation will hit students that pass by. Besides, with more open space to use, perhaps these _____ can actually turn into something you want to _____ at instead of trying to find a way to walk past them as quickly as possible.

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