Let’s Hangout Sometime

We are becoming more encompassed within our own world and own little bubble. We have become better at isolating ourselves. I wish I had realized this earlier on and that I’d had the guts to branch out more socially. But it is senior year, and I am glad that I finally realized it sooner rather […]

Advice to first-year pre-med students

These past two weeks I have had many conversations with first-year and sophomore students pursuing the sciences. I feel nostalgic when an underclassmen expresses these worries about the pre-med track or what classes to take because many of their worries were once mine. Needless to say, I am not worry-free having reached senior status, but […]

Continue efforts to revise mandatory system

Back in April, we wrote about the issues with the policy change that mandates all students to pay for a meal plan. In the past, on-campus students could opt out of the meal plan if their housing came with a kitchen. Now, unfortunately, upperclassmen—in addition to sophomores who live in the Charles River apartments or […]

Sodexo, but not your way

Brandeisians believe in “truth even unto its innermost parts,” so let’s talk honestly about the food. Brandeis’ meals are catered and controlled entirely through outsourcing to Sodexo—a company that cares more about its bottom line than the means of profit. With some notable exceptions, college campuses are not known for their exquisite dining, nor did […]

Milo and you

A few weeks ago, the news and social media were flooded with Milo Yiannopoulos. For those who may be unaware of who he is (as I was not too long ago), Milo Yiannopoulos was an editor for Breitbart News, which is a network that speaks for the far-right. But to describe Yiannopoulos in the way […]

Advice for underclassmen seeking lab positions

Brandeis is a factory that pumps out pre-meds, and it is a fact that to be pre-med there are a ton of prerequisites that need to be met by students. Aside from the courses that students are required and recommended to take, medical schools also look for whether or not a student has experience researching […]

Farewell to the Castle

It has been a week since I moved out of the Castle and into my Ziv, and with all of these changes I could not help but reflect on my time in the Castle—the edifice that will be torn down and replaced, the monumental Brandeisian structure that will forever remain in history instead of before […]

Dealing with losing a debate

Earlier this week, we found out the fate of our country, of our people, of ourselves, for the next four years. Although, I suppose if you are reading this right now, we are either trying to find shelter in Canada (what up, Trudeau!) or we are smiling through gritted teeth and going about our days […]

Students have mixed feeling about change to the Physics 10A curriculum

Toward the beginning of the semester, I had written an opinion piece about how there could be potential changes made to what was then the Physics 10A curriculum. At the time, students felt very positively about the ability to do test corrections and essentially “earn” points for the final. However, students were concerned that we […]

Why is Physics 18A different this year?

When people think about a physics lab course, they imagine cars being pushed down a ramp, masses hanging off of spring scales and applying a bunch of memorized formulas to their experiments. Depending on which level physics course a student is in, it may mean they have to either apply more conceptual knowledge to their […]

The issue with housing

As we continue to adjust to the new semester and prepare ourselves for the first round of midterms, we have all, for the most part, cozied into our rooms as best as we can. Our residence halls are a hub of a place to sleep, a pantry to store snacks and an area to study […]

Does a flipped physics classroom work?

As is typical with many other courses, changes have been made to the Physics 10A curriculum. Conventional physics courses are based on students coming to lectures and the professor monotonously droning on and on while writing a bunch of equations on the board. Usually most students do not bother to read the textbook under such […]

Autoclave misuse must be addressed

Rosenstiel Basic Medical Science Building is where the many undergraduates spend time, as it houses 13 labs. As such, one of the most visited rooms in Rosenstiel is the autoclave room on the second floor. The autoclave room contains three large machines for washing dishes and five autoclaves. Imagine how heavily these machines are used […]