
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

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Hello again folks. If you’re reading this around the time it comes out, you’re probably feeling the same sort of fatigue that many of us are here at The Hoot. We’ve officially entered the harder...
In less than two months, we will be deciding the next president of the United States. We’ll either be getting the first female president or we’ll get four more years of Trump (*cue the “Jaws”...
Another school year is upon us. Welcome back to all returning students and a warm welcome to everyone new to the Brandeis campus. There are hundreds of people coming to this campus and we hope...
As members of the Brandeis community, you all just received an email letting you know that we’ll be experiencing a rise in tuition. As members of the Brandeis community, you also may have heard about...
We’re sure we all saw the email from last week. The one where President Ron Liebowitz, Provost Carol Fierke and Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Stewart Uretsky told us that our school is...
On Friday, Feb. 2, a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow. For the uninitiated, that means that an early spring is on the way. This is an … inane way to predict the...
Well, we are getting closer to housing selection by the day. On Feb. 16, housing numbers were released to Brandeis students. This is important to all students, but it’s probably most important to upperclassmen. Of...
If you’ve attended any major event on campus throughout this academic year, you’ve probably noticed something: several middle-aged white men that look like police officers dressed in neon yellow vests scattered throughout the event. You’re...
If you’re reading this editorial, and have been on Brandeis’ campus recently, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve either a) slipped on ice around campus or b) seen someone else slip. Waltham is firmly...
So, after a painfully-too-short winter break, the fall semester is now behind us and the spring is here. The new year has come, leaving a snowy white sheen over our campus and Gosman’s weight room...
Where did the time go? It seems like it was just yesterday we were stepping on to campus once again (or for the very first time), excited about what the new school year has to...
Hi, everyone. As you surely are aware, the last two weeks since our previous publication have been rather eventful on campus. While facts and insights regarding events like the Nov. 6 vigil, the Nov. 10...
Well, it’s that time of year again. The leaves are turning orange, the air is getting freezing cold and our moods are going down. That’s right, the seasonal depression has arrived. We’re getting over, or...
This Wednesday, Oct. 18, the university held a celebration of Brandeis’ 75th anniversary in Sherman Dining Hall. The event featured an abundance of blue balloons, party hats and Brandeis-themed cupcakes. Most notably, the dessert counter...
That’s a question that every Brandeis student has answered at least once. Whether you were asked by an admissions counselor in an interview, by a Common App question or just by a curious fellow student...
As the singer Katy Perry once sang, “You’re hot then you’re cold, you’re yes then you’re no.” It is a safe assumption that she was singing about the shoulder months. The shoulder months are that...
If you’re reading this editorial, you probably know or know of at least five people who have gotten COVID-19 since the semester started. For some of you, that may even be a lowball.   Professors,...
If you are on an executive board (e-board)—any e-board—of any club, you probably got a wave of emails early in the semester about club leader training. So much club leader training. For those of you...
As Brandeis students, we all love to complain to each other about the various facilities on and around campus. Oftentimes, this constant annoyance can be overblown, but it admittedly does stem from genuine systematic issues...
School is back in session which means we are all back on the Brandeis campus. As far as campuses go, this one is okay. A little hilly, but manageable. However, you should not spend all...

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