
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Advertise With Us!

The Brandeis Hoot looks to advertisements to strengthen the connection between the Brandeis Community and the Waltham area – continuing our commitment as “Brandeis University’s Community Newspaper.”

The Hoot was established in 2005 because students felt that Brandeis needed a community newspaper written by, for and about the members of the Brandeis community. Since the paper’s founding, The Hoot’s growth as a newspaper – doubling in size since its inception – reflects its immediate influence on the Brandeis community. Articles from The Hoot are read worldwide and have been cited by national media outlets including National Public Radio (NPR) and Boston Magazine.

The Hoot publishes every Friday during the semester and distributes the newspaper throughout the Brandeis campus and Waltham area. With a distribution of 1,500 to a community of 6,000 students, staff, and faculty, The Hoot is a great, cost-effective way to reach out and connect the Brandeis community to your business.

For more information, please download our advertising packet. You can also contact us by email at eic@thebrandeishoot.com or by filling out our contact form below.

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