
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

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Welcome back to Hoot Recommends! In this article, members of The Hoot editorial board will be sharing their favorite ice cream flavors.   Rachel Picking a favorite ice cream flavor can be like picking a...
Recently, I had a package to mail, so I went down to the UPS store on Mass Ave in Cambridge. (There’s more to this story, so bear with me for a moment.) On the way...
Probably my favorite thing to eat at Brandeis is Einstein’s Santa Fe Egg White Sandwich. Last year, I ate one almost every day for lunch. Sometimes, if I was in the SCC for a club...
How do I work on setting sexual boundaries with my partner? They always want to do anal but I don’t want to. Thank you for writing to SSIS! The sexual boundaries that you want to...
When I was in first grade, before I could spell, I drew a whole menagerie of birds and labeled them “brids.” About 15 or so years later, while I can spell B-I-R-D-S, I haven’t been...
This will probably be short, as I have no idea how to write a senior op (is there a right or wrong way?), but it may end up being long, as I’m sure more thoughts...
As I now sit here with only one day of classes left, I can’t help but marvel at how my college journey unfolded in ways I never expected. It’s been a wild ride, one that...
When I was in second grade, I discovered my love for newspaper cartoons. I was constantly reading “Calvin and Hobbes,” “Foxtrot,” “For Better or Worse” and any other cartoons I could find. Coincidentally, that same...
I didn’t realize 1,321 days ago, when I first emailed an editor at The Hoot, that nearly four years later I would have to be writing them a final article. As I begin to write,...
Seated on a plane, I consider how I can quickly sum up four years at university before the plane takes off, in a concise and beautiful way. I’ve been thinking about this for a while,...
I am writing this line down as I am sitting in the new Hoot room in the Shapiro Campus Center (SCC) with a bunch of very loud people chit-chatting around me. I just finished training...
I was supposed to finish this article in 2022 along with everybody else in the Hoot E-board at the time, but I’m glad I didn’t until now. My undergrad years were like a dull, unfinished...
Club marathon season is over, and the results are in. Out of around 70 chartered clubs, none got the amount of funding requested from the Student Union. For most clubs, the difference in requested versus...
If you are not a senior, do you feel like your club president has become so much less involved this semester? Do you feel like your TA has been getting back to you much later?...
Tumblr, since its infancy, has been capitalistically dead in the water. Any and all attempts to increase its profitability directly leads to users leaving the app. No example of this is more infamous than the...
Your period does not have to stop you from having sex, but it may be slightly different than usual. It’s important to communicate with your partner and ensure that both parties are comfortable and consenting....
Welcome back to Hoot Recommends! In this article, members of The Hoot editorial board will be sharing their favorite springtime activities. Rachel An underrated activity for people to do is to walk. Of course, we...
I’ve just returned to my host country this term after a week of traveling around northwestern Europe. For the purposes of this column, where I went is not nearly as pertinent as what I saw....
“Midterm,” as defined by Merriam-Webster, is “a: the middle of an academic term; b: an examination at midterm.” Brandeis midterms, in the time I have passed as an undergraduate student here, have never accurately subscribed...
There is no limit to the amount of Plan B you can take in a month and no suspected health risks (including risk to fertility) associated with frequent use. However, there has been evidence that...

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