
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Snow storm delays Modfest, now may be held Feb. 12

University classes were cancelled all day Monday and on Wednesday after 2 p.m. due to incliment weather resulting from over three total feet of snow being dumped on New England. Classes, however, were not the only thing effected by the snow. Modfest, which was scheduled to be held this Saturday, has been delayed.

According to Alex Amann, Senator for Class of 2005, senior senators had been working to hold Modfest this weekend;

however, the snow caused a meeting between Director of Public Safety Ed Callahan and the Student Union to discuss safety concerns to be delayed.

“We had been trying to get it for Saturday, but werent publicly announcing it because we werent sure if we could get it all scheduled by then,” Amann told The Hoot.
According to Amann Feb. 12 is now a likely date on which Modfest will be held, barring further storms.

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