
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Republicans cancel Coulter event

The Republican Clubs plans to bring political pundit Ann Coulter to speak on campus later this semester have been cancelled, according to Finance Board records. On Feb. 16 the club returned the $5,000 granted by F-Board for the event.

When questioned about the likelihood of Coulter speaking here, Republican Club president Robbie Schwartz 08 declined to comment.

We will be hosting an Ann Coulter event on March 24 at 8:30 pm in Golding 101, Schwartz told The Hoot.

The event, entitled Come See Ann Coulter, has not been publicized on campus to date, and has not been listed on the myBrandeis events calendar. At this time, we are not releasing any further details about the event, Schwartz said.

The Republican Club requested $75 from F-Board for the event, and was granted the money this past Wednesday. According to the F-Board Appeals results, the money is for a fee for usage of A/V equipment during [the] Ann Coulter event. This is a reduced rate for this special event from Conference and Events Services. The club told the F-Board they are expecting a large audience for this new event.

In the fall the club requested $19.95 from F-Board for a video titled, Is It True What They Say About Ann?

The club had previously received a $5,000 grant from the F-Board in order to help fund Coulters $28,000 speaking fees. It is unknown whether the club was able to raise any other funds for the event, which was to occur next month.

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