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LETTER: More facts to round out article on Nomani's visit

To the editor:

Im glad that journalist Asra Nomanis visit to our campus made the headline of your March 25 issue. A couple of additional facts and one correction could round out the article. First of all, the entire event was organized by Florence Graves, the founding director of the Brandeis Institute for Investigative Journalism. Given the enormous amount of work involved, it would be appropriate to credit her. Second, Asra Nomani led a Moslem prayer session that was held at the Womens Studies Research Center (WSRC), not the facility listed in your article. After the prayer service and a meal shared by about 40 students, journalists and community members from all over the Boston area, we had a lively debate which included Asra Nomani presenting her bill of rights for Moslem women. Ed Callahan did a magnificent job of providing security (metal detectors, canine bomb sniffers, undercover police, and more) to ensure the safety of a woman who hoped to pray and talk about human rights while at Brandeis.

Shulamit Reinharz, Ph.D.

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