
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

A little Mongolian and some Austrian

Movie Review

I have to admit that the movies this past summer were not up to par. Whether it was Jack Sparrow gallivanting in the Caribbean or that infamous lady in the water, movie goers were dissatisfied with characters and nonsensical scripts. However, there is one movie that must be seen before the summer ends, The Illusionist.

This turn of the century period piece, which takes place in Vienna, Austria, follows the career of famed illusionist, Eisenheim, played by the artistically talented Edward Norton. During a late night performance, Eisenheim asks for a volunteer to assist him with an illusion. The future king of Austria, Prince Leopold, played by Rufus Sewell, volunteers one of his female companions, known as Duchess Sophie Von Teschen. As the Duchess approaches the stage, Eisenheim realizes that she is his childhood love, whom he has not seen in 15 years. Jessica Biel, who plays the Duchess, has proven herself to be more than the one-dimensional character, Mary, from Seventh Heaven. In addition, another astounding performance was that of Paul Giamatti, who played Chief Inspector Uhl. Known for his Oscar-nominated work in Sideways, Giamatti has established himself as one of the greatest actors to appear on the silver screen today.

Whether you enjoy drama, action or suspense, The Illusionist will satisfy your entire movie going needs. Astonishing acting and a phenomenal screenplay almost assure that this movie will be an Academy Award contender.

Restaurant Review

Everyone is looking forward to the start of a brand new year. Classes, making friends, and decorating dorm rooms (for girls) are the priorities with which everyone is concerned. However, one of the most important factors of college is nonnegotiable: the food. Although Brandeis food is not appalling, it becomes boring and tiresome. So, if you want to have an off campus meal, head to Cambridge for a delicious lunch or dinner.

One of the easiest restaurants to travel to from campus, and just so happens to be my personal favorite, is Fire and Ice. This restaurant, which is located on Church Street in Cambridge, is a Mongolian grill that combines a buffet style with a traditional menu. The buffet contains fresh vegetables, meats, and any special sauces, including Greenbergs Teriyaki Sauce. Your buffet selection is cooked before you. However, if you decide to eat at this festive and entertaining restaurant, be prepared to wait for your food. On an average Friday night, you may have to wait an hour to be seated and 15-20 minutes for your food to be cooked. If youre dreaming about eating at Fire and Ice all week, then make reservations. This way, you wont have to pass the time discussing Physics for a couple of hours. Or, come on a Monday night when the buffet is only eight dollars!

Brandeis Directions:
Take the Brandeis shuttle to Harvard Square. Across the street from the drop off point is Church Street. Walk down Church Street, Pass Starbucks (located on your right) Fire and Ice will be located on your left

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