The[n-y-c]files: Themanwhodrovethebumsout

Come find out what you cant know;

see whats not there.
Its no more, but it used to be
In humanitys hometown;

you know where.
These are the
[n-y-c] files.(Third in a series)

Picture, if you possibly can, a nation fallen on hard times such as our generation has never known, a quarter of its workforce unemployed. Imagine its largest city, home to millions of new Americans, their hard-won financial gains immeasurably set back in the worst economic cataclysm of the century. Suppose there lives a stocky man, barely five feet tall… Winning the hearts of millions and a permanent place in a citys history and collective consciousness, he becomes a figure whose very name remains a household word to New Yorkers, young and old alike, to this day. The name: LaGuardia.