Are you a double major? At Brandeis, that just makes you like everyone else

When I ask my friends what their majors are, their responses usually include at least two different departments, normally with a couple of minors thrown in between. It seems everyone is at least a double major, or a major with multiple minors, or something to the effect of over-achievement. A sign on East Pomerantz 5’s […]

Inside ticket to the Brandeis parking office

At the time, she took the job out of need. Tia Oliver, ’10, was saving up for a trip to Texas with her mother when a friend who worked in Brandeis’ parking office told her of an open position. Oliver, who had already worked at Phonathon and for Aramark, decided to give it a try […]

Writing program teaches city kids, but faces uncertain future

Every Wednesday afternoon at Snowden International School, in a school library no larger than an MBTA train car, I sit and wait for students to come and ask me to help them with their writing. Snowden lies where the posh shops of Newbury St. meet Dartmouth St.’s as cars race down from the John Hancock […]

Men’s Basketball falls to Rochester

Coming in as the number two ranked team in Division III basketball polls, Brandeis Men’s Basketball hoped to walk out of Rochester having touched true greatness and knocking down number one ranked, undefeated Rochester. Could the Judges ascend the peak and become number one? This was the question many contemplated, even appearing as a poll […]

One Tall Voice: Not OK with MLK day

This past Monday, our university, and in fact many institutions across America, celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I am sure that everybody liked to have the day off and I am no exception. Still, I feel that one should really critically analyze why we celebrate this day and what we are in fact […]

The Gold Standard: These colors don't run

Last fall, I was pleasantly surprised to see an American flag draped across a third-story window in Ziv 130. Under the banner, a sign bearing that once ubiquitous slogan: “These Colors Don’t Run.” This flag became the heart of a minor drama last fall, as administrators ordered the item removed, alleging certain violations of Rights […]

The Point: Everyone loves election season

I hesitate to write a purely “political” piece, since so much of our nation (and this paper) is already focused on the upcoming election, but I think that the younger generation’s role in politics—especially at this moment in time—is both important and overlooked. It’s just like when my parents took over their respective colleges’ ROTC […]

Fighting with Pinpricks: Media and war crimes

For the most part, war crimes have never been of much interest to our media. Nazi war crimes—the gold standard of human cruelty—went largely unreported until after the last days of the Second World War. News of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 had to battle for column inches against the murder trial of an erstwhile […]

Letter to the Editor: The Gold Standard (Dec. 7)

Dear Editor, In his article “The Gold Standard: Spectral Evidence: the race weapon,” (Dec. 7) Mike Goldman ‘08 has ignored many crucial yet commonly understood rules of journalism and in doing so has unfairly attacked the credibility of Students Organized Against Racism. We are writing to remind Mr. Goldman of the standards he failed to […]

Editorial: Flag resolution has no pole to fly on

The debate over the recent rejection of a proposed resolution, which would have promoted the public display of the American flag on campus, reflects the Union Senate’s occasional inability to properly represent the interests of the student body. The resolution, which was written by Ziv Quad Senator Justin Sulsky ‘09, simply summarizes the events that […]

An eye on campus safety

Following the Virginia Tech shootings last April, administrators have begun to consider additional security protocols to increase campus safety. “I believe in three P’s,” said Director of Public Safety Ed Callahan: “Proactive, prepared, and here to protect the community.” To help promote on-campus safety, Callahan said, Public Safety meets representatives from Student Life, Residence Life, […]

Union Senate defeats flag display resolution

A resolution put forth by Ziv quad Senator Justin Sulsky ’09 supporting the public display of American flags as long as Rights and Responsibilities is not violated was defeated at Sunday’s Union meeting by a vote of 13 to two, according to Union minutes. The resolution garnered only the support of Sulsky and Senator-at-Large Andrew […]

A way to be good again

This winter movie season, we were lucky enough to see two phenomenal novels adapted into films. Atonement and The Kite Runner provide readers with multi-layered characters living with and learning from past actions. Both use the past transgressions of children nearly as a foreshadowing of major violent events of war and invasions. The actions of […]

MLK Day becomes a four-day celebration

It’s not easy celebrating the life of someone as well known and influential as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Maybe that’s why more than ten campus organizations, joined together to organize the third annual MLK Celebration spanning the course of four days. However a Monday night show, urging social justice and hope for the future, […]