
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Of Montreal takes on birthdays and Halloween

Halloween came to Boston early this year, as Of Montreal took the stage at the Orpheum Theatre Thursday night. Body paint, rabbit costumes, dancing soldiers with guns, and more glitter than Tinkerbell could imagine entertained an audience that was equally decked out in outrageous attire.

It was certainly a party at the Orpheum complete with a birthday cake for guitarist Bryan Poole’s special day.

The night kicked off with an ornate entrance as singer Kevin Barnes was carried in like royalty by a pack of golden buddhas. He later made an entrance inside a coffin filled with shaving cream.

Singing and dancing along to each song—particularly to “An Eluardian Instance,” off of the band’s ninth and latest album, Skeletal Lamping—the audience definitely worked up a sweat. They also went wild for the album’s “Gallery Piece,” in which Barnes sings about wanting to “paint your nails,” “make you scream,” and “turn you on.”

Amongst Barnes’ many wardrobe changes, audience members were treated to a pope, a centaur, and a hanged man…until he stripped down to his glittery underwear. This doesn’t come as a shock to most fans, though, as Barnes is known to occasionally bare all at his shows.

The band performed an excellent set list, pulling from several of their albums. Returning to the stage after a raging round of applause and requests for an encore, the band played three more songs, closing with a cover of Nirvana’s classic “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”

Perfect for anyone looking for a psychedelic show filled with elaborate costumes, dance-inducing chords, and a shiny Speedo-clad front man, Of Montreal does not disappoint and is definitely worth the $20-25 ticket.

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