Dr. George Tiller was murdered, and we need to talk about it

The media response to the murder of Dr. George Tiller, a Kansas abortion provider, has been nothing short of disheartening. Far too often the mainstream media has taken at face value the press releases put out by groups against reproductive rights. Anti-abortion organizations have almost uniformly condemned the killing while maintaining their opposition to abortion, […]

How to say “happy birthday” in vegan

Vegan baking doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, and the end product needn’t be bland. Here are some common problems, with cheap and easy solutions: Problem: Dry, crumbly texture. Solution: Chose “wet” ingredients over “dry” ingredients, and add a little extra fat. In this cake, we’re using agave or brown rice syrup instead of […]

On breathing

Take a breath. Give yourself some care. Evaporate your memory and pacify your lungs with air. Breathe in deep, and if you must choke, then choke on a stray sigh or two, not empty words your thoughts provoke. Swallow up your stupid tongue. Stop whispering your fears. You’ll gasp for air and waste your breath […]