
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Bob Moody exhibit is a relaxing retreat

Some quiet moments of contemplation can be found by observing Professor Bob Moody’s (THA) exhibit called “Work, Now, and Then” in the Dreitzer Gallery at the Spingold Theater.

The exhibit featured many different works of Moody’s to ponder and reflect upon. One is sure to find an art piece that sticks out.

Moody has widespread scene painting experience. He has done work for theaters, television, opera and colleges across the country. His artwork includes scene paintings, drawings and watercolor from his travels, life drawings and more.

All of the pieces are extremely well done and some reflect the beauty of the world. Walking around to look at Moody’s works is soothing, and allows the observer to create their own experience by intertwining their own travel adventures as they observe the art.

The mountain landscape painting was fascinating and aesthetically pleasing. It looks very realistic and draws the viewer in almost hypnotically.

Take a break from exams and observe Moody’s exhibit. One is sure to leave away feeling more tranquil than when they had entered.

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