
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

The Brandeis Hoot’s Opinion section presents: Senior Reflections

You will notice that in this week’s issue of The Brandeis Hoot, there are no opinions articles. This week, we will be using the space to feature pieces that a handful of seniors have written about their time at Brandeis. These seniors have done so much in their time here at Brandeis, and the time to say goodbye is rapidly approaching. You will read pieces about personal development, aspirations and accomplishments. You will read personal reflections, advice to returning and new students and praise for what Brandeis University has to offer. Here you will delve into the minds of a group of students on the cusp of venturing off into the real world. In honor of the graduating seniors, this week’s opinions section is devoted to you. On behalf of The Hoot editorial board, good luck and congratulations on your graduations!

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