Mid-Year Exhibition showcases senior artwork

Droves of art patrons filed into the Dreitzer Gallery of the Spingold Theater Center to admire the works of Brandeis students displayed at the Senior Mid-Year Exhibition on Wednesday, Dec. 7. Attendees were offered hors d’oeuvres, wine and the good company of students, faculty and other community members as they browsed the art. Just upon […]

‘Messiah Sing’ honors annual traditions

The Shapiro Campus Center Atrium reverberated with holiday cheer, delicious snacks and festive music this Thursday, Dec. 8 as the Brandeis-Wellesley Orchestra and the University Chorus led a community-wide performance of George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah.” Brandeis joined the festivities with its own version of this common wintertime performance piece that invited one and all to […]