‘And Then There Were None’ provides engaging take on period piece

The UTC’s “And Then There Were None” has shown, despite its limited run, the talent of its creative team to create engaging and socially conscious theater despite community concern over the show’s racist history and insensitive content. Many of those involved in the show seem to have concluded that the creative team was handed a […]

Allocations Board grants funding for fall 2018 semester

The Allocations Board released its club funding decisions for the fall semester on Monday, April 15. Fifty-three percent of requested funds were allocated this semester, whereas last semester the board allocated 49 percent. Out of 165 chartered clubs, only 135 asked for funds from A-board. Their budget was up from last year, at $1.9 million, […]

‘Lucid’ and ‘Blood and Water’ raise questions about how we behave

UPDATED 4/26 at 10:30 a.m. Every year, some of the most talented theatrical minds at Brandeis create personalized performances to explore issues important to them and the potential of theater. “Blood and Water” and “Lucid” demonstrate the power of student theater to push beyond the traditional techniques which define so much of American theater and […]

Brandeis celebrates Bernstein’s legacy with his daughter during Festival Week

In honor of Leonard Bernstein’s birthday and the Festival of the Creative Arts, Slosberg Musical Hall hosted Bernstein’s daughter and a trio of musicians for a sequence of stories, clips and songs on Thursday night. The show opened to a full house, with a duo of complementing pianos and couches off to the side. After […]

Univ. hosts forum on sexual misconduct response and services

Students, staff and administrators gathered to ask and answer questions on sexual assault, misconduct and the Title IX reporting processes at a forum on Wednesday, April 18 in the Napoli Room in Gosman. Panelists, including Title IX staff and Sarah Berg, the director of the Office of Prevention Services, described the processes used to investigate […]

Crowd Control’s semester show honors seniors

Crowd Control finished off their year of comedy performances with one last show on the evening of April 19 to say goodbye to their two graduating directors: Roy Shakerchi ’18 and Gabe Adler-Cohen ’18. Advertising the show on their Facebook page as a funeral for Roy and Gabe, Crowd Control followed through with the bit […]

Christina Hoff Sommers speaks on feminism

For conservative feminist Christina Hoff Sommers Ph.D. ’79, discrimination based on gender is not just a women’s issue. Men, too, face sexism in the workplace, especially in education. Sommers, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank, spoke about her perspective on feminism at an event sponsored by Brandeis Conservatives and the Young […]

Physics and fine arts collaborate on climate change

Students, faculty and staff gathered on Monday for a presentation about the interdisciplinary relationship between science and art with regards to climate change. The presentation, which was part of the annual Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts, was followed by a collaborative brainstorm. Two panelists, Professor Aida Yuen Wong, chair of the Fine Arts […]

Seeking social justice highlights Brandeis’ Jewish history

Faculty, administrators and students gathered to celebrate Brandeis University’s 70th anniversary with a talk on the University’s history—from its founding in 1948 to the present—titled “1948 Seeking Social Justice: 70 years of Brandeis University.” President Ron Liebowitz introduced the three panelists, all with a background in Jewish American history. Professor Jonathan Sarna (NEJS) spoke first, […]

#18 Men’s tennis falls to #2 Bowdoin

The men’s tennis team returned home after their matches against New York University in New York to face off against Bowdoin College on April 13. The men took an early lead but could not pull off the upset and fell 3-6. This loss makes their record now 11-3 and ends their six-match winning streak. The […]

Senate Sustainability Committee hosts Meatless Monday

Waiting to swipe into Lower Usdan Dining Hall, students saw a colorful sign introducing “Now Serving: Meatless Monday with Red Lentil.” Upon entering the dining hall, students stood in line to be served butternut squash bisque, seitan marsala with mashed rutabaga and tropical quinoa salad from Chef Pankaj Pradhan on Monday, April 16. Chef Pradhan […]

Final Dean of Arts and Sciences Candidate, Jeffrey Shoulson, speaks at Brandeis

Jeffrey Shoulson, the final candidate for the Dean of Arts and Sciences position, spoke to faculty, administrators and students in Usdan’s International Lounge on Thursday, April 19. Shoulson described his career in education and took questions from audience members. Shoulson is a professor and interim vice provost for interdisciplinary initiatives at the University of Connecticut. […]

Jeremy Corbyn: complicit in the rise of European anti-Semitism

One year ago, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair took the stage at the annual AIPAC policy conference, receiving a standing ovation from 18,000 pro-Israel activists. Blair, who led the U.K. Labour Party from 1994 to 2007, governed as a centrist and was seen by many as a great friend of Israel and British Jews. […]

The next mass extinction

Growing up, I never really thought about how much I wasted. If I did not want something my parents had put on my dinner plate, I would just throw it away, along with the paper plates on which we ate. I drank out of plastic water bottles without thinking twice; bottles would clutter my desk […]

Brandeis admissions offer prospective students glimpse of life at Brandeis

Walking by Chapel’s Field on a Brandeis admissions tour on Wednesday morning, a prospective student and her mother discussed the aspects of college life different schools choose to emphasize on their tours. “Here, it really seems to be community, diversity and inclusion,” the mother said. As high school seniors are making their final admissions decisions […]

TRII provides legal aid to immigrants, opportunities for students

Undergraduate students, especially those without connections to professional lawyers, rarely have the opportunity to gain practical legal experience. Immigrants, even those as young as three and four years old, must represent themselves in immigration court proceedings, regardless of their educational backgrounds. The Right To Immigration Institute (TRII) stands at the intersection of these two problems, […]

Reforms and reframes in the Student Union

I wrote a piece earlier this academic year talking about what I called the “elite” of Brandeis, the exclusive group, made up mostly of Student Union members, that runs all campus activities and makes up the majority of the contact that the students have with the administration. The Senate is a dedicated, innovative group, but […]