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Branda relaunches in a new version

The Branda app relaunched with updates and new features. A group of undergraduate students built the application to provide students with convenient access to accurate data and information, according to an earlier article by The Brandeis Hoot.

Before the update, the developers, Sam Stern ’20 and Benjamin Segal ’20, were working on providing new features.

“We’d heard some concerns from the previous year we had . . . nine month’s worth of fixes and improvements and . . . our goal was to get that out as soon as possible, so that when people got back on campus they’d have this new version,” said Stern in an interview with The Hoot.

Branda has a schedule of events, gym hours and dining hall open hours. Students can also catch their bus or Branvan in time with Branda, which provides a shuttle tracking function. It also allows students to track how much time is left on their laundry cycle.

“We were ready for the first weekend with the shuttles,” said Segal, in an interview with The Hoot. “We were working five days almost all day long on the app to make sure that everyone benefits from it once school starts,” said Segal.

Branda can comfortably manage a user count above 4000. Stern says that the application’s architecture is “designed to scale up to the number of users that we need,” and there is no burden on their system even with the current number of users.

Branda is available on Apple and Android devices as a phone app. According to Stern, the front end—the actual code that resides on the phone—is written in a framework called React Native. Both iOS and Android devices support Reactive Native, and Branda can now be downloaded on supported devices.

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