
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Koslofsky’s Corner: a quick thanks to all

Congrats, everybody: We made it! It’s the last issue of The Hoot for 2019, and, to be quite honest, I’m so proud of the arts section, and the paper as a whole. I’ll be uncharacteristically brief: Thank you so much to every single person who contributed to arts this semester. Whether you got roped into writing a single review of a Netflix original or contributed on a weekly basis, it was your passion that motivated me to spend hours gnawing at Adobe InDesign and compiling article lists. Thank you for engaging with my constant comments and occasionally questionable titles (working on it!). I really appreciate everyone’s hard work.

By my count, we had around 30 people contribute to the arts section this semester. That’s fantastic! But I’m not done yet—I’ll be steering this ship for another semester, and I’d love to bring in even more folks. At the start of the year, I asked for passionate people to contribute—well, I’m asking again. If you’ve got an opinion on a piece of art or a Brandeis-related arts event, I still want your words. Essentially, 2020 can’t get here soon enough, and I can’t wait to get back to work!

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