The ‘right’ sort of democracies

While it might be in poor taste, given the current state of global affairs, for me to strike a critical blow at the unity of the democratic world, nothing would evoke the unity of that world like the free expression of criticism. After all, the German delegation to Taiwan certainly exercised this freedom to criticize […]

Turning pessimism into climate action

I recently saw an image from the James Webb Space Telescope of the “Pillars of Creation” in the Eagle Nebula. In addition to having one of the coolest names ever, the Pillars of Creation are unreal, and I believed that they were computer-generated for a moment. They’re very real, though we may not get to […]

Brandeis professor comments on the politics of crime in ABC News

ABC News recently published a news report covering political discourse on violence and crime in the U.S. and how crime is affecting voting during the midterm elections. The article focuses on increased criminal activity in Toledo, Ohio and features expert commentary from Brandeis Adjunct Associate Professor of History Leah Wright Rigeur.  The article cites the […]

BookTok worth it or not: ‘Ninth House’

Boy oh boy do I have a book for you all this week! I’m back and I’m excited to share with you my thoughts on this book which has easily fallen into my top three reads of 2022. Here’s my deal: I like reading but am indecisive by nature. Instead of making a decision for […]

Tommy Time

Tom Brady is the greatest football player of all time. After winning six Super Bowls in New England, he (like all old men) went to Florida and won another. His legacy is absolutely undeniable, but what has he given up to keep playing the game he loves?   Brady has changed his personal life substantially […]