
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Poems by Sara Bissell

Poem 1 

 The Saviour I adore 

 my sin which clung so tightly 

He bore instead,

 I am adorned in the righteousness of the One I have come to adore.

Only He is the door

 leading me to the fullness of life evermore. 

 This is the Saviour I adore 


Poem 2 

 An ode to poetry 

 Poetry is a door to deepest recesses of my heart,

 Each stanza flows like the soft rhythm of a piano, 

Like a hymn reverberating against the high ceiling of the Church,

 A hymn that reaches the ears of the Almighty. 

 Like honey that drips down down from the honeycomb or a baby desperately trying to enunciate her first words, 

 The words might come out slow at times, 

 But sometimes, the words cannot be quenched and move uncontrollably like the crystal water of a creek. 

These words reflect all the highs and lows and the ebbs and flows, 

Whether these words are written in pain or euphoria,

 in uncertainty or in hope, 

 in mourning or rejoicing, 

 they speak the language of my heart. 

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