
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

He came down

The King of kings came down, 

riding not on a mighty stallion 

but on a young donkey, 

adorned not in robes of gold 

but a simple cotton garment. 

He wore not a crown of silver but 

a crown of thorns.

He had no army but a group of

humble disciples, 


He came not to condemn but to save, 

to save me 

to save you 

this is the King we worship today 


friday felt excruciatingly long but

sunday eventually came… 


He was buried in the grave 

but He rose 

He rose 

He rose 

He rose 

He conquered death 

He conquered sin 

He conquered all my fears 


He filled the void in my heart,

the void that longs for purpose, 

the void that longs for unconditional love, 

the void that longs for acceptance 


He did it for you 

He did it for me 

He did it for humanity

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