
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Χάρις (Grace) 

Grace is the cornerstone of faith, 

for faith without grace is like a vibrant yet barren tree, beautiful on the outside but fruitless. 

Grace is the lifesaver that reaches out its hand to rescue me from the mud and mire, 

the rope that resurrects me,

the antidote to my despondency

Grace doesn’t just follow me where I go, it pursues me, chases me down and doesn’t leave me till it changes me, till it soothes my weary heart. 

Grace doesn’t just forgive me, it promises to love me, to love me with an undying love

I say I know grace but grace is more limitless than the universe, it exceeds infinity. it’s glory is too weighty for me to grasp

Truth without grace is bitter

love without grace is shallow 

life without grace is death 

Who is Grace? 

Grace is the Saviour who came down from His throne and pursued me, loved me and died for me. 

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