
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Harvest Table refuses to address student concerns about worker treatment

Over the course of the semester, Harvest Table has repeatedly been the subject of student criticism centered on their treatment of dining workers. Beginning in September, students associated with the Revolutionary Students Organization (RSO) and the dining workers union (Local 26 Boston) began protesting in the Usdan complex and Sherman Dining Hall for a fair contract for dining workers.

These protestors claimed that they needed better wages, a better retirement plan and a better overtime policy. They added that peer institutions had already provided these things to their dining workers via fair contracts.

The Hoot reported on this story back in September. As part of this reporting, we reached out to Brandeis Harvest Table’s Guest Experience Manager Matt Carty and Resident District Manager Kory Laznick. Despite having received the Hoot’s press inquiry and having one week to respond before press time, The Hoot received no response from Harvest Table in time for its Sept. 20 edition. 

After one week without communication, The Hoot followed up and sent a press inquiry to Harvest Table’s Corporate Office, as well as a follow-up email to Guest Experience Manager Carty and Resident District Manager Laznick. The Hoot visited Carty’s office in-person numerous times, and each time Carty declined to comment on the ongoing issue. At times he referred The Hoot to speak to Mr. Laznick, who was non-responsive to emails and apparently absent from his office each time The Hoot attempted to speak to him in-person.

A full three months after the protests surrounding dining worker treatment began, The Hoot has still not received any communication from Harvest Table on their alleged mistreatment of their workers.

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