President Levine hears the student body’s concerns in town hall

In a town hall on Feb. 25, Interim President Arthur Levine outlined his plans to put Brandeis on a different trajectory, towards an internal structure that suits the needs of the market, while also trying to remain afloat and reputable. Over the past few years, the financial troubles of this university have become increasingly problematic, […]
Why tests are better than projects
In one of my classes, the professor gave each member of the class a choice: we could do a project or take a test. I was one of only two people in the class who chose the test. If that class is representative of Brandeis as a whole, then 90% of you guys are probably […]
Fencing team earns two medals for foil performance
On Feb. 23, the Judges fencing teams participated in the New England Intercollegiate Fencing Championships. The women’s foil squad took home a silver medal, while the men’s foil squad earned bronze. The women’s foil squad consisted of Eva Bassik ‘28, Rhea Menon ‘26 and Ella Richards ‘27. They finished second to MIT. In the […]