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Polar Bears maul WRugby in season opener 63-0

Brandeis Womens Rugby kicked off the season last Saturday at home against Bowdoin. In a hard-fought battle, the undermanned and under-experienced Brandeis team could not keep up with the Polar Bears as they fell, 63-0.

Bowdoin was able to take advantage of greater manpower, subbing in players when they were tireda luxury Brandeis simply did not have.

After the game, Coach Brian OLaughlin noted that inclement weather prevented them from practicing until the week before the match but felt that, with field experience, Brandeis can only improve.

Probably well need to work on our rucking (players grouping over the ball after a tackle) and mauling (plays based on when the ball is dropped), our scrummaging is working very well. Rucking and mauling well probably focus on this week as well as some back-playing.

Ariel Berman 06, a third year rugby player, was also happy about what she saw but stated that lack of players was a big factor.

They [Bowdoin] have about enough players for two full teams, we dont have enough players for one, so were playing with not enough people and we dont have any subs and they can sub people in whenever they want. So they had fresh players constantly.
Berman added, Were still looking for rookies;

were still looking for players to be on the team.”

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