
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

BAIME: Answering Israel's Call

For too many years, American universities have been a liability to the State of Israel draining resources from instead of strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship. But one Brandeis student organization is determined to transform our campus into a very tangible asset.

The Brandeis Israel Public Affairs Committee (BIPAC) is launching a major initiative that will empower students to affect the political process. Brandeis students have at our disposal a host of outlets for pro-Israel energy. Some of us pray for Israel at religious services. Some of us participate in Israeli cultural programs. And some of us engage in Israel-themed discussions, debates, and forums. These are quite necessary activities, but if we rely on prayer, culture, and forums alone, the U.S.-Israel relationship will collapse.

A strong U.S.-Israel relationship most critically requires spectacular citizenship on the part of pro-Israel Americans. If pro-Israel Americans are with power today, it is only due to generations of involvement in the legislative process and in the electoral process. It is up to our generation to continue that activism.

As you know, the State of Israel is changing the map of the Middle East. Her present course involves greater peril but also greater opportunity than we have seen in decades. In this effort, Israel has requested our help as Americans and particularly as pro-Israel students.

This semester, BIPAC intends to answer Israels call. We will deliver exclusive lobbying training to one-hundred top student activists and then, on November 14th, we will travel to Washington, DC for scores of personal meetings with Members of Congress to ensure the critical American political support that Israel will require in the coming months.

Some people believe that American college students are too young to be real assets to the State of Israel. Join me this November in Washington to prove them wrong.

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