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Sherman to change over break

Aramark is currently discussing changes that will be made to Sherman Dining hall and other dining operations. These changes will be in place after this year’s winter break.

“In an effort to improve the Dining program we continuously make changes to all our Dining operations,” explained Dining Director Michael Newmark. He continued, “The winter break has traditionally been a time that we make changes at Sherman and other Dining operations on campus that positively impact the student dining experience.”

The changes will include a rotation of the menus and other minor fixes that have been suggested, Class of 2008 Senator Asher Tanenbaum said. There will likely be bigger changes to the dining hall next year, including better availability of nutrition information, and possible changes to the salad bar area in the Sherman non-kosher section.

“The new dining option in the Village is also something that looks to be very enticing, and will now include milk shakes as part of the menu,” Tanenbaum explained. “Available now, which most students are unaware of, is the ability to hear daily menu updates for the dining halls by dialing ext. 6-menu on their phones,” he explained.

Aramark will be working closely with the Student Dining Advisory Committee, the Student Government, and University Administration. Feedback obtained from over 800 students through on-line dining surveys will be reviewed, as well as comment cards and other meetings with students, Newmark said.

In an effort to obtain further student feedback, Tanenbaum helped table in the Usdan Student Center Nov. 14 “to solicit comments on dining in Usdan from students,” according to Project Reports submitted by Tanenbaum, available on the Union website.

“The managers really are receptive to student input and students who have comments should feel free to let them know,” Tanenbaum said.

“I actually think better nutritional information will be really helpful,” commented Hannah Negami ’11. Another student, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, “I think they need more options for vegans, because they don’t really have that in Sherman.”

Definite changes, though, have not yet been finalized. Sherman manager Sean Favreau was not available to comment on the precise changes without confirmation from Newmark. Newmark explained that the dining management team, including a nutritionist, is currently sorting out what exactly is to be done and, as Newmark stated, “we are still working out the specifics.”

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