I don’t know where to begin, but I guess this is how it ends?

This will probably be short, as I have no idea how to write a senior op (is there a right or wrong way?), but it may end up being long, as I’m sure more thoughts will come to me in the course of trying to cobble this together. However, as they say, brevity is the […]

‘Girls in the Boat’ makes a splash in the Merrick Theater

Last weekend, the Undergraduate Theater Collective’s (UTC) alternate space show went up in the Merrick Theater in the Spingold Theater Center: “Girls in the Boat,” a play about adversity, teamwork and the power of women who unite for a common goal. Written by Alice Austen, “Girls in the Boat” tells the story of the U.S. […]

How mid are midterms at Brandeis?

“Midterm,” as defined by Merriam-Webster, is “a: the middle of an academic term; b: an examination at midterm.” Brandeis midterms, in the time I have passed as an undergraduate student here, have never accurately subscribed to these definitions. I am a senior at Brandeis, and having come in as a midyear, I have seen/am currently […]

The Quest for the Quest

Introduction: As Abby and Jamie sat for dinner in a Sherm kosher side booth on Thursday night, engaging in a much-needed catch-up conversation, Jamie brought up her need to quest for a new study spot, as her old one had lost its luster/consistent results on her mood and productivity. The spoken aloud phrase of “the […]

The most moreo Oreo

Cyrenity When I first heard about The Most Oreo Oreo, I was actually scrolling through Instagram, and had to pause, and consider if this was real. You see, I am a cookies and cream fan. In fact, moments before hearing about said Oreo, I had just eaten coffee, cookies and cream ice cream, despite my […]