Special election to fill vacant Student Union senate seats

There will be a special election on Thursday, Nov. 3, to fill three vacant seats in the Student Union Senate. The position of Charles River/567 senator has been vacant all semester and the positions of Off-Campus and Ridgewood Quad senators have been vacant for approximately one week or one month respectively. Members of these communities […]

Invite Waltham to observe the squalor of Usen Castle

In the movies, historical societies and commissions are always portrayed as the good guy—or at least the underdog—and everyone likes an underdog. Usually, they work to save a beautiful, old building from being demolished by a greedy developer. They work with limited funds and try to convince a community to listen to their heart instead […]

New residence hall needs Brandeis flair

The Brandeis administration has always looked for feedback from students in their effort to appear transparent. Whether it’s a town hall meeting or lunch with President Lynch or a survey sent out about redesigns to the website, there have been multiple opportunities for the greater community to make their voices heard. Hopefully this policy doesn’t […]

2011 Alumnus passes in tragic highway accident

Charles Hu ’11 passed away this past Tuesday afternoon in a car accident while heading north on Route 128 in Lexington. He was 26. A computer science major, Hu had been living in Lexington and worked for athenahealth at their Watertown headquarters. Hu was involved in the Chinese Cultural Connection while at Brandeis according to […]

Provide services to ease city commute

With the start of a new semester, new challenges arise. Besides the new classes I’m enrolled in, I also have to figure out a way to make it into Boston for an internship I have two days each week. Luckily for me, I have a car and easy access to local MBTA stops so I […]

Brandeis Asian American Task Force issues demand for Asian American Studies department

On the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 2, a letter demanding the creation of an Asian American Studies department at Brandeis was sent to Interim President Lisa Lynch, Chair of the Board of Trustees Perry Traquina ’78 and other administrators. Signed by the Brandeis Asian American Task Force (BAATF), the letter was made public through the […]

Divesting from Saudi Arabia just as effective as fossil fuel divestment

Brandeis Climate Justice (BCJ) has a noble goal. In their overarching desire to reverse the harm that has been done to the climate since the start of the Industrial Revolution, activists have called on the university to divest from fossil fuel companies. While other universities, most notably Stanford and the University of California system, have […]

Theft of university computers leaves student information vulnerable

The basic, common Michael Kors denominator list of programs you choose to ought to total to college graduate. Even when you do not will be your major is going to become, you will find some courses that almost everybody winds up getting. You’ll must just take them sometime, so you’ll at once get tookthe first […]

Athletics conference affiliation less than ideal

Brandeis celebrated its annual Homecoming a few weekends ago, inviting alumni back to campus and hosting both the highly-ranked men’s and women’s soccer teams in competitive UAA conference matchups. While it is great when students can support the Judges in high-stakes conference matches, it usually isn’t quite as easy as it was during Homecoming. That […]

Early decision application process unfair for prospective students

As college students finish up midterms for their fall semesters, high school seniors continue the long and stressful process of applying to college. While those already at Brandeis no longer have to worry about applying to school—save any seniors looking at graduate schools—applications to Brandeis still have an impact on all of us. Be it […]

Off-campus students regain access to residence halls after outcry

The 2015-2016 “Student Rights and Responsibilities” handbook was finalized and submitted to the student community in an email from Director of Student Rights and Community Standards Kerry Guerard on Aug. 22. Some of the policy changes included in this year’s handbook, however, were not enforced until recently. Around the beginning of October, off-campus residents were […]

‘You’re the Worst’ returns with impressive start to second season

One of my favorite new shows from last year, “You’re the Worst,” returned to the airwaves last month. Needless to say I was very excited to see where showrunner Stephen Falk, former executive producer on both “Orange is the New Black” and “Weeds,” took it. Focusing on a couple in their late-twenties living in Los […]

Clubs could benefit from more resources

Brandeis loves to promote how active and engaged the student community is, by pointing out how many different clubs are active and how many students decide to pursue more than one major. It is something that leaves a strong impression on both prospective students and potential employers, and is a great selling point. One of […]

Campus buildings unable to ‘Turn it Off’

After some record-breaking high temperature days so far this month, I’ve realized how important air conditioning is. Or at least how convenient it is. It is certainly refreshing to be able to walk into the library or Usdan and be able to cool off from temperatures reaching the mid-90s. Not everyone has the luxury of […]

Former dean of SFS returns as special advisor

After retiring at the end of last December, former Dean of Student Financial Services Peter Giumette has returned to Brandeis in a new role. Serving as Senior Advisor to Interim President Lynch, Giumette has a new set of duties he seeks to accomplish. “I am responsible, along with the Director of Special Programs Orla O’Brien, […]

Loss of Castle can push forth new residence halls

In two separate emails welcoming students back to campus from both Interim President Lisa Lynch and Director of Operations Jim Gray, the inevitable is mentioned. They don’t shy away from saying how Usen Castle has reached a point in its life where it is “showing its age” and we have “reached a point where maintaining […]

Office of Prevention Services issues sexual assault prevention training

This past Tuesday, Aug. 18, the Office of Prevention Services sent out an invitation to the entire student body to complete an online sexual assault prevention training. In an email from Sexual Assault Services and Prevention Specialist Sheila McMahon and Associate Vice President for Health and Wellness Sheryl Sousa, the sentiments of Louis Brandeis were […]

Students can find inspiration from others

In the midst of packing for my return to school and relishing the last few days I had to spend at home with my family, the Civil Rights leader Julian Bond passed away. Learning about what happened through all the different media outlets, news of his death was also mentioned on the official Brandeis Twitter […]

TripAdvisor CEO speaks on entrepreneurship

On Wednesday evening, April 22 in the Shapiro Admissions Center, the Hiatt Career Center welcomed Steve Kaufman, parent of a 2013 Brandeis graduate, the founder and CEO of TripAdvisor, to campus to give a talk about entrepreneurship. As the largest travel site in the world, TripAdvisor hosts user-written reviews on hotels and restaurants, as well […]

Univ. should focus less on business programs

Institutions always look to have some sort of identity—a brand, a slogan—something marketable. If someone wants a nice car, they’re going to look at a BMW or Mercedes even if they don’t know anything about cars, just because those brands have an established place as high-quality luxury automobiles. The same idea holds true for Brandeis. […]