‘Insomniacs After School’ is an atmospheric dose of serotonin
“Kimi wa Houkago no Insomnia” (“Insomniacs After School”) is an ongoing slice-of-life manga, written by Makoto Ojiro, centered around the lives of Nakami and Magari, two high school students struggling with falling asleep. After a chance encounter in the abandoned astronomy tower, they find that being together helps them fall asleep stress-free. The series follows […]
‘Optimist:’ addictive songs to feed your sadness
“Optimist” is Finneas O’Connell’s debut studio album, and it’s about time. FINNEAS is an established producer, song-writer and eight-time Grammy winner. However, he is perhaps most famous for producing and co-writing the albums of his sister, the one and only Billie Eilish. With that in my mind, FINNEAS has a rather high standard to meet. […]
‘MONTERO’ lives up to its name
Since the release of his debut song, “Old Town Road,” Lil Nas X has faced his share of backlash and criticism. He’s been criticized on everything from his cowboy boots to his sexuality, by both those raised in the industry and those raised by bigotry, sometimes at the same time. But instead of affecting him, […]
‘Certified Lover Boy’ is a bona-fide waste of an hour and a half
“Certified Lover Boy” is the newest album from popular Toronto rapper Drake. “Certified Lover Boy,” Drake’s sixth studio album, was rumored to drop during the fall of 2020, but the actual date, January 2021, was announced in a teaser that same fall. Fast forward almost a year and several delays, and the album has finally […]