Halloween for the Hungry inspires service

Waltham Group kicked off Halloween with a day of trick or treating for non-perishable foods as part of the annual Halloween for the Hungry Food Drive. The food drive is one part of a series of mostly fall-themed community events organized by Waltham Group, including Halloween for the Hungry, the October Blood drive and the […]

Brandeis pro-Choice receives $5,000 grant

Brandeis Pro-Choice received $5,000 from Planned Parenthood to install a Plan B vending machine in the Shapiro Campus Center (SCC). The vending machine will ideally have a year’s worth of free Plan B available at all times for the student body, according to Susannah Miller ’19, Brandeis Pro-Choice president. Brandeis Pro-Choice, a student run organization, […]

Nixon biographer chronicles legacy of former president

Faculty and students gathered Tuesday, Nov. 17 to hear John Farrell discuss his recent biography of Richard Nixon, titled “Richard Nixon: The Life.” Farrell answered audience questions and drew comparisons between Nixon’s administration and the current administration. The 50th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s political comeback is coming next year, spurring new coverage and evaluations of […]

Lisman lab discovers key to long-term memory, furthering research on Alzheimer’s and addiction

Since the 1980’s, Professor John Lisman ’66 (BIOL) has investigated the relationship between memory and calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaMKII). On Sept. 27, Lisman’s Lab’s breakthrough study demonstrating that CaMKII stores long-term memories was published in the online edition of “Neuron,” a peer-reviewed neuroscience journal. The discovery, achieved through experimentation on rats by the lab […]

Alumni fund new fellowship to help students engage with local community

UPDATED 10/11 Brand new this year, the Rich/Collins Community Leadership and Impact Fellowship (CLIF) is offering Brandeis students the chance to apply for mini-grants between 500 and 5,000 dollars to implement their own community project. The fellowship aims to build students’ leadership skills while expanding their engagement in the Waltham and Boston communities. Students will […]

Zamira Korff named Senior VP of Institutional Advancement

Zamira Korff, formerly of Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP), was named senior vice president of institutional advancement and will begin work on Oct. 23 as a fundraising executive for Brandeis. Korff is replacing Nancy Winship, who in June became chief philanthropic advisor to President Ron Liebowitz. At CJP, Korff served in a variety of roles, starting […]