Portraits of Empathy: Barbara Dombrowski’s climate photography

Brandeis students and faculty gathered at Farber Library Mezzanine on Monday to see the work of Barbara Dombrowski, a German climate photographer. Amid students sipping iced coffee and poring over textbooks, Dombrowski led the group around as she talked about her career and the photographs displayed around the library.  Dombrowski began by apologizing for her […]

Lunch with an environmental lobbyist

Brandeis students and faculty gathered for a Year of Climate Action event titled “Lunch with an Environmental Lobbyist.” Katharine Lange, the lobbyist in question, took her seat at the head of the table and began by prompting the attendees to share their names and a recent outdoor moment as she prepared to discuss the work […]

Undamming the future of the Charles

Situated just behind the aptly named Charles River Apartments, the Charles is right in Brandeis’ backyard, but is likely on the periphery of our busy lives. This river, once a polluted wasteland, has undergone massive cleanup initiatives and improvements over the past few decades. It’s an environmental success story, but one that is far from […]