Post-climate strike, Brandeis prof. says we have more to do on divestment

Student and faculty climate advocates are looking for progress in the university’s Board of Trustees to see their next move in divestment from fossil fuel companies, according to Professor Sabine von Mering (ENVS/GRALL/WMGS).   The university has made attempts to divest from these companies to reduce its carbon footprint and to become a more green environment […]

Student Union judiciary rules against Union President

The Student Union Judiciary ruled against Union President Simran Tatuskar ’21 in a case brought against her by two members of the Student Union. The ruling stated that she had violated the Union’s Code of Conduct which mandates that members of the Union make “every effort to communicate across branches” and that she overstepped her […]

Look up from your screen and onto the field

I have been frequenting the cardio room these past couple of weeks due to an unfortunate IT band injury. One of these days, I had 50—excruciating—minutes of biking with a dead phone that could provide me no source of entertainment.  In my desperation, I turned my attention to the facility’s TVs which are always, without […]

Brandeis students strike for climate justice

Among the thousands of people gathered in Boston City Hall Plaza for a national climate strike on Sept. 20 were close to two hundred Brandeis students—some skipping class for the day to show their support of addressing climate change.  The strike was one among a national series of protests inspired by Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old […]

Recordings of Brandeis alumnus given to archives

Brandeis alum and activist Abbot “Abbie” Hoffman ’59 may have been a prominent protestor against the Vietnam war in the 1960s, but his work went largely undocumented in the Brandeis Archives. That was until August 2018 when a Brandeis University archivist was offered hours of audio tapes featuring Hoffman.  Hoffman was a self-proclaimed “activist and […]

Brandeis students participate in climate strike

Brandeis students are joining the national outcry over climate change, with some planning to board a bus this morning to attend the Boston climate strike. Ahead of the strike, students gathered Tuesday evening to create posters expressing their concerns over climate change. Signs made by Brandeis students read: “Don’t Burn My Future,” “Planet Not Profit” […]

Alumna calls for Univ. action on inclusion

Dr. Blanca Vega ’98 has always been critical of the spaces she finds herself in and Brandeis University—with its shortcomings in providing equality for all its students regardless of their racial backgrounds—is no exception, she explained in a keynote speech at the Faculty Club on Friday, Sept. 6. Though Vega has spent 16 years in […]

17 seats filled in the Senate and Allocations Board

The Student Union announced on Thursday that 17 seats were filled following Wednesday’s election. The Class of 2023 comprised almost 60% of the total voter turn-out, providing 290 out of 507 total voters. Elections were held for both Senate and Allocations Board (A-Board) positions. Allocations Board Jordy Piñeiro ’23 and Emma Fiesinger ’23 won the […]