Panel discusses presence of social justice in business

’Deis Impact hosted a discussion on Ethics and Social Justice in Business on Monday evening as part of a series of events designed to bring the campus community together while defining social justice. The event sought to answer the question “Just because it’s legal, does it mean it’s ethical?” while defining social justice from a […]

Rosbash, Hall win Wiley prize

Professor Michael Rosbash (BIOL), the Peter Gruber Endowed Chair in Neuroscience and Jeffrey Hall, along with their colleague Michael Young of Rockefeller University, have been awarded the 12th annual Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences for the discovery of the molecules that control the circadian rhythm. The discovery is significant to scientists who study sleep cycles, […]

‘Happy Endings’ filled with outrageously good writing

Americans have poor taste in television. There I said it. We rarely know when to let a show die. Take “The Office” for example. In Britain, the show survived two seasons (referred to there as a series) and a Christmas special. Ricky Gervais, never one to let his shows continue past their expiration date, ended […]

Jubilee Project emphasizes power of social media to create a more just world

In a ’Deis Impact event last Saturday, members of the Jubilee Project, Eric Lu, Eddie Lee and Jason Lee, visited Brandeis to encourage students to use social media creatively to inspire others to action through the power of storytelling. The event, cosponsored by Jubilee Project Brandeis, BAASA, the BPA and the ICC, was titled “Ordinary […]

Dushkus deliver keynote address of ‘Deis Impact

Actress Eliza Dushku, most famous for her role on “Buffy The Vampire Slayer,” and her mother Judy Dushku, a political science professor at Suffolk University, visited campus to deliver the keynote speech for ’Deis Impact, the weeklong festival of social justice events, Wednesday in Levin Ballroom. The Dushkus are the founders of THRIVE-Gulu, a nonprofit […]

Communications employers visit campus at Hiatt event

100 Brandeis students and 30 off-campus employers from the communication and media industry gathered for an evening of roundtable discussions and networking at the Hiatt Career Center’s third annual Communications Forum. Bill Imada, founder, chairman and CEO of IW Group, an intercultural marketing agency, gave the keynote address. Imada’s advice to the room full of […]

Main St. Strip Mall Angers Waltham Residents

Roughly one mile from Brandeis, there is a major construction site on Main Street that is simultaneously angering Waltham residents for damaging nearby homes and promising the addition of several exciting shops and restaurants. Last week, a group of angry Waltham residents met with project officials to complain about the recent rock blasting at the […]

Brandeis music professor Mary Ruth Ray remembered

Mary Ruth Ray, a beloved Brandeis music professor and performer, passed away on January 29 after a battle with cancer. Student performer Yoni Battat ’13, sharing memories of Ray, remembered her modesty, saying “She would have said ‘enough about me, some music would be nice.’” Ray started teaching viola and chamber music performance at Brandeis […]

Brandeis Greek life urges members not to discuss alleged sexual assault

With allegations of sexual assault at a Dartmouth Street party under investigation by the Waltham Police Department, leaders of Brandeis University’s unrecognized Greek life organizations urged members to refrain from discussing the incident in order to protect their reputations. Police confirmed their investigation of allegations at a party during the weekend of Jan. 18-20. “There […]

bView brings students to campus from across Boston

More than 250 students representing 17 different universities gathered in Levin Ballroom last Sunday for the first annual Brandeis Visions for Israel in an Evolving World (bVIEW) conference to have a serious, thought-provoking discussion about Israel and its future, which President Fred Lawrence said would, “move the conversation forward in a productive manner.” The conference […]

New trustee named to Board

The Brandeis Board of Trustees elected its newest member, Leslie (Meltzer) Aronzon ’84, for a four-year term. Aronzon, who now lives in Los Angeles, has been an active member of the alumni community since her graduation in 1984. In addition to her new position on the Board of Trustees, Aronzon serves as Vice President of […]

Trustee endows new fellowship

Brandeis trustee Carol Richman Saivetz ’69, P ’97, P ’01 and her family have made a generous gift to establish a new fellowship. The Fred and Rita Richman Distinguished Fellow in Public Life, named in honor of Saivetz’ parents, will be a speaker who is selected for his or her work in improving American society, […]

Brandeis hones in on India in strategic efforts

President Fred Lawrence recently embarked on his second trip to India in the past 12 months in an effort to enhance relations in the country through the Brandeis-India Initiative. Lawrence traveled around the country with Harleen Singh, the Helaine and Alvin Allen Assistant Professor of Literature and co-chair of the South Asian Studies Program, and […]

Museum of Science collaborates with Brandeis on Dead Sea Scrolls

The Museum of Science has announced an exhibit centered around the Dead Sea Scrolls. Brandeis has been collaborating with the museum since August and will be providing opportunities for students to become involved with the exhibit once it opens. “It’s really quite incredible that we are the one university the museum is working with for […]

Waltham resident arrested in Village for Trespassing

University police arrested a Waltham resident for trespassing in the Village A residence hall last Thursday evening. Police identified the man as Matthew Razani, 26. Students in Village A placed two different calls, the first to the Waltham Police by dialing 911, and the second to the Brandeis Police. The students who called, “did not […]

Hemingway urges students to act on the duty of dreams

To celebrate the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. students gathered in the SCC Theater on Monday evening for spoken word poetry, song, dance and reflection, which echoed the theme of “The Duty of a Dream,” in Brandeis’ eighth annual memorial. Herman Hemingway ’53, a friend of King and the first black man […]

As Flu gains momentum, community members urged to take precautions

While flu season is a yearly occurrence that many are accustomed to, this season is especially vicious, with Boston seeing more than 750 cases—more than 10 times last year’s 70 cases. A few of the cases have become fatalities; the majority of victims include young children and those over the age of 65 (i.e. groups […]

Commuter rail project promises upgrades and enhanced service

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) is currently conducting construction on the Fitchburg Commuter Rail Line, which serves Brandeis and is the primary way for students to get to and from Boston and other surrounding towns. The rail improvements may cause minor delays at points throughout this semester and the upcoming years, but should not […]

Neurobiology professor pushes the limits of the unconscious mind

Imagine a person who drives to work or school on a daily basis: The person takes the same turns, stops at the same stoplights, passes by the same gas stations and restaurants and arrives at the same place at the same time every day. This routine can become so ingrained in memory that by the […]

Friends remember Jonathan Roth ’14

Jonathan Roth ’14, a beloved friend and member of the Brandeis Orthodox community from Teaneck, New Jersey, died Dec. 16. He was 21. Roth was on leave from the university last semester and died from a drug overdose, according to The Record, a New Jersey newspaper. “Jon was one of the first friends I made […]