Coping with tragedy, one year later
One year after a student suicide rattled the Brandeis community, Feb. 15 holds a new meaning for Manny Zahonet ’14. On his birthday last year, Zahonet returned to his first-year residence hall to find district attorney investigators questioning students and chaplains escorting others to the Psychological Counseling Center in the early morning hours. For Zahonet, […]
Student misconduct rarely brings consequences
Official crime reporting at Brandeis highlights only a trace amount of severe misconduct in recent years, which the university routinely deals with internally, rarely referring incidents to outside law enforcement. “We’re like our own little city here,” Associate Dean of Student Life Maggie Balch said of Brandeis’ student conduct management. Crime itself is very rare […]
Pests infest dorms, to students’ ire
In many residence halls across the campus, students have found themselves at odds with all manner of pests. They include but are by no means limited to spiders, flies, mice, beetles, cockroaches and the “East Bug.” East Bugs, otherwise known as house centipedes (scutigera coleoptrata), can most often be found on the first through fourth […]
Posse program supports student achievement
This academic year marks the 14th year that Brandeis University has worked with the Posse Foundation, which works with public high school students in urban areas that have great potential for academic achievement, founded in 1989 by Brandeis alumna Deborah Bial ’87. The Posse Foundation has joined up with 39 top colleges and universities in […]
View from the Top: Yael Katzwer
When I look back at my past three and a half years at Brandeis, a lot of things stand out. One thing that truly stands out to me is the differences I see between myself and a lot of my classmates. Often when I speak to people, they will tell me how all the way […]
Two students found tech start-up, showcase newly-made app
Brandeisians are the type of people who color-code their closets and keep files in extremely complex subfolder systems. It’s little wonder then that two of them have invented a mobile organizing application. Sahar Massachi M.A. ’12 and Adam Hughes ’12 will design and present the official app at the RootsCamp conference in Washington D.C. next […]
BC3 rings in Lunar New Year
The Brandeis Chinese Cultural Connection (BC3) welcomed in the Year of the Dragon last Saturday with a Lunar New Year celebration, complete with food and entertainment. Levin Ballroom took on a festive atmosphere as BC3 members and volunteers decorated the room with a giant dragon backdrop, red streamers with Chinese characters, and other Chinese symbols […]
Doctoral candidate studies modern significance of Civil War
Yoni Appelbaum is taking history into the 21st century. With a dissertation at Brandeis, a position at the Atlantic, and a lecture series at Babson College, Appelbaum is exploring one of the greatest conflicts of American history. The Civil War, he says, is still alive in the collective imagination and he works “to trace the […]
Registrar: break in Feb. an anomaly with advantage
University Registrar Mark Hewitt believes that Brandeis’ peculiar break schedule, one during February and another in April, is actually advantageous to the students, faculty and administration. “Oddly enough, I think this actually works,” remarked Hewitt as he discussed the two-break system. “It seems appropriate for Brandeis.” With Brandeis’ large Jewish population, maintaining a break during […]
Actual environmental record belies public green cred
Even as Eco-Reps work to celebrate “Brandeis Loves Recycling Month” with fun events such as Recyclegrams and as Hillel collaborates with Students for Environmental Action (SEA) to celebrate Tu B’Shvat, awareness and waste reduction still remain challenges for environmental activists on campus. Five years ago, Brandeis received a C in overall sustainability and a B […]
Hiatt communications forum braves tough economy
Students from Brandeis and other regional universities were provided the opportunity to network with corporate leaders and international agencies at the second annual Communications Forum, sponsored by Hiatt Career Center. Joey Reiman, CEO and founder of BrightHouse, commenced the evening with his keynote address, emphasizing purpose as the crucial attribute of a successful business. According […]
Brandeis National Committee to honor Marion Levin
Marion Levin has been fundraising for Brandeis University for nearly 50 years. Then living in Chicago, she was inspired by Brandeis University’s message of equality and progress. “There were problems for my husband in getting into universities; there were quotas. But Brandeis had this feeling of ‘why not? You are welcome here.’” The sentiment moved […]
Romney on students’ mind
As Massachusetts and the primary here nears, Mitt Romney, recent losses aside, is still the front-runner in the Republican nomination race. Brandeis students have varying reasons as to why they do or do not support him, and whether they believe he is electable. “I support him and I will be voting for him in the […]
Heller School creates committee to promote diversity
Heller School Dean Lisa Lynch announced this month the founding of the Heller Diversity Steering Committee. Its main objectives are the enhancement of educational and research programs; reinforcement of an inclusive and welcoming environment; and the diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity and socioeconomics among the Heller School’s faculty, university staff and […]
Hiatt holds fashion show to showcase business dress
The Hiatt Career Center joined with Lord & Taylor to host a fashion show with more than 100 students, alumni and industry professionals in Sherman Function Hall on Wednesday evening, emphasizing the impact of first impressions on employers. “It takes only 30 seconds for a potential employer to develop a first impression,” Hiatt recruiting coordinator […]
A priest and politics
It may be rare to encounter a multicolored gay pride flag upon entering a church. But Brandeis’ Catholic chaplain, the Rev. Walter Cuenin, proudly displays the rainbow flag in the Bethlehem Chapel’s foyer. With the word “Peace” written across the middle, the flag symbolizes a proclamation of acceptance and unity for each person who may […]
College affordability becomes election year priority
President Barack Obama asked the crowd at the University of Michigan last week, “How can we make sure that everybody is getting the kind of education they need to personally succeed but also to build up this nation?” The president gave specific details of his proposal to help make college a more affordable and realistic […]
Iran and Israel: Tensions continue to rise
Brandeis professors offered varying responses this week to the heightening of tensions between the already dire relationship between Iran and the State of Israel. With Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has publicly decried the existence of the state of Israel and called for its destruction, relations between both countries have been strained at best as […]
A major debacle: the right program for success
The persistence of the global recession has led everyone from world leaders at the Davos Summit to Brandeis undergraduates to question their fundamental assumptions about success. In this vein, a debate has been raging across the academy and the news media about how one’s choice of college major, formerly a relative non-issue, affects the ability […]
Textbook costs rise with frequent updated editions
In a time when economic hardship is becoming the norm, college students feel yet another aspect of university life draining more money out of their wallets: textbooks. While textbooks have always been expensive, students have seen a significant increase in the release of new editions. As many students began to register for classes and look […]