
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

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Recently, Donald Trump has been talking about eliminating the Department of Education (DOE). He has already taken the first step towards doing that, having announced that half of the department’s staff would be laid off...
Thank you for writing to SSIS! Pain during sex is common and can happen for a variety of reasons. You could be experiencing pain due to a medical condition such as vaginismus, which causes involuntary...
Hello valued Hoot readers. Welcome back to Hoot Recommends, the series where our editors recommend things to you. This week, as spring approaches and rain becomes more common, we are recommending our favorite rainy day...
Thank you for writing to SSIS! Menstrual cups are not stored in a sterile way, so it is important to sterilize them before the first use. This can be done by boiling the cup in...
Hello again Hoot readers. I know some of you are just dying to hear what our editors recommend for you, and you would be totally lost without our recommendations to base your whole life around....
Oh my god, I get it now. By “it,” I mean vinyl records. Over the past few months, I may have developed a bit of an addiction to collecting vinyls. This isn’t the healthiest habit....
In one of my classes, the professor gave each member of the class a choice: we could do a project or take a test. I was one of only two people in the class who...
If you’ve ever had the great misfortune of seeing the Brandeis Judges mascot in-person (or if you’ve ever gotten a 404 error on the Brandeis website), you will know that our weirdly fuzzy, weirdly large...
Thanks for writing to SSIS! We do carry a wide variety of lubes, and it is up to you which one you think will work best for your purposes. Our lubes fall into four categories:...
Hello! Welcome back to Hoot Recommends, the series where The Hoot recommends things. In this edition, we’ll be talking about our favorite activities to do as a single person on Valentine’s Day!   Lucas: Perhaps...
Yes, I did legitimately ask for white crew cut socks for Hanukkah. Technically I asked for white socks and a hair diffuser (a girl’s gotta have her hair care routine after all), but the white...
Hello! Welcome back to Hoot Recommends, the series where The Hoot recommends things. In this edition, we’ll be talking about our favorite fruits!   Cooper: I like apples. Apples come in so many different varieties,...
On Monday, I spent my day off watching the coverage of Donald Trump’s second inauguration. I cannot possibly explain why I chose to do this. His first inaugural address was about “American carnage” and his...
Thanks for writing to SSIS! Having these questions about dildos is completely valid! Here is a quick rundown about dildos that you may find helpful. A dildo is a sex toy made to be inserted...
Welcome back to Hoot Recommends! This week, in honor of the upcoming holiday, members of The Hoot Editorial Board will be sharing their favorite holiday movies.    Jenna: Although I am late to discover this...
Almost all juniors and seniors, as well as most of the sophomores at this school, are familiar on some level with the process of declaring a major or minor. First-year students have not had the...
Thank you for writing to SSIS! It is common to feel nervous about bringing up a positive Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) result, but here are some things to keep in mind when you tell your...
All you need to commit genocide is a good excuse. The Nazis pinned the Jewish people as the cause of Germans’ problems to commit the Holocaust, the Hutu in Rwanda held hatred against the Tutsi...
On Monday, Dec. 1, President Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter. The pardon was an unconditional pardon covering any crimes that he may have committed between January 2014 and the day that the pardon was...
Thank you for your question! Balls can be highly sensitive and can create immense pleasure, but also pain. Communicating during ball play is key! Everyone has different likes and preferences when it comes to playing...

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