
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

José Castellanos

On Tuesday, Jan. 23, Brandeis awarded playwright Michael Weller ’65 the Creative Arts Award. The award ceremony focused on Weller’s theatrical career, with remarks from University President Ron Liebowitz, Prof. Gannit Ankori (FA) and Weller...
Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and San Francisco safety Eric Reid came under fire from right-wing citizens and news outlets alike over their Sept. 1, 2016, decision to take a knee during the...
On Sept. 26, 2017, the Brandeis Department of Theater Arts and Brandeis administrators held a meeting in which they decided to reschedule “Buyer Beware,” a play written by Brandeis alum Michael Weller ’65 and directed...
In the days since the passing of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, some media outlets, such as the liberal publications “Vox” and “Newsweek,” have praised him as an equal rights pioneer and staunch advocate of social...
Brandeis is not an inexpensive institution. It perennially ranks as one of the most costly schools in the country, so presumably there would be consideration on behalf of the administration to ensure that students can...
Earlier this month, the American Health Care Act (AHCA) was pulled out of Congress by Paul Ryan and President Trump to prevent the humiliation of a failed vote. Legislators on both sides of the political...
The Ides of March is more than just the commemoration of the death of Julius Caesar. March 15 is, perhaps appropriately, also the day when the Department of Community Living (DCL) releases its priority numbers...
On Jan. 21, the single largest protest in American history occurred in Washington, D.C. Between 3.3 and 4.6 million people participated in the Women’s March to protest the inauguration that had occurred the previous day...
Political philosopher John Stuart Mill introduced the concept of the “marketplace of ideas” as a rationale for permitting freedom of expression. Mill believed that allowing an interchange of ideas akin to a marketplace was necessary...
The Brandeis campus is not alone in its treatment of the controversial inauguration of Donald Trump. Many students have rightfully expressed their moral and political disagreements over his election, and in the inauguration’s aftermath, many...

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