
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Olivia Ellson

It turns out that one of the best television series ever made was cancelled ten years ago. “Pushing Daisies,” in a two season run, delved into a genre somewhere between fairytale, murder mystery and magical...
Ten years ago, audiences watched Jennifer Check (Megan Fox) brutally murder and eat men on-screen. And they hated it. When “Jennifer’s Body,” starring Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried, hit theaters in fall 2009, it became...
The undergraduate literature and arts journal Blacklist celebrated the release of their second volume this year with an open microphone event at Chum’s on April 24. Blacklist has undergone major changes this year. “We basically...
Crowd Control finished off their year of comedy performances with one last show on the evening of April 19 to say goodbye to their two graduating directors: Roy Shakerchi ’18 and Gabe Adler-Cohen ’18. Advertising...
Dr. Babu Ayindo, a Kenyan expert in conflict transformation and peacebuilding, is visiting Brandeis for a week, speaking at several events and classroom open sessions. In his first presentation on campus, Ayindo joined a session...
SPARKTank 2018, the Brandeis International Business School’s fourth annual start-up pitch competition, awarded 10 teams of Brandeis students, faculty and staff a total of $50,000 to fund their start-ups. Brandeis and greater Boston area community...
Leading scholar of Ottoman history, Amy Singer, will fill the Sylvia K. Hassenfeld Chair position in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at Brandeis University in the summer of 2019, according to a BrandeisNOW article. Previously...

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