
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Zach Katz

“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” has always been a weird show. Its first season took many characters who originated on either “Arrow” or “The Flash” and placed them in a time traveling adventure facing off against...
It would be an understatement to say that the first season of Paramount+’s “Star Trek Picard” was divisive. Although fans were thrilled to return to the TNG era of the “Star Trek” universe, many found...
Episode six of “The Book of Boba Fett,” titled “From the Desert Comes a Stranger,” is a great episode of “Star Wars.” It masterfully ties together material from the entire franchise’s 45 year history including...
The hit comedy, “How I Met Your Mother” left television in 2014 with a finale that could generously be considered “divisive.” Eight years later and after a few false starts, a spin-off series, “How I...
“Cobra Kai” shouldn’t work as a show. In theory, it sounds like a shameless nostalgia mine. The show’s concept originated as a recurring punchline on “How I Met Your Mother” and it was first released...
Now is a great time to be a “Star Trek” fan. The franchise’s first kids’ oriented series “Star Trek Prodigy” is currently airing, “Discovery” is about to premiere its fourth season, “Picard” is about to...
There’s a wildfire in California. Firefighters swarm in to help evacuate families from the area, but are overwhelmed by the blaze. Things seem hopeless, until something swoops down from out of the sky. It’s Superman!...
Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!!! In one corner, we have the giant lizard with a nuclear laser breath attack, the devourer of his opponents, the self-declared King of the Monsters: Godzilla! In the other corner…...
Editor’s Note: this review contains spoilers If there was ever a time that the world needed a show like “Superman & Lois,” that time is now. Afterall, the core essence of Superman is hope, even...
In 2018’s “Avengers: Infinity War,” the android Avenger, Vision (Paul Bettany), dies. Despite those unfortunate circumstances, “WandaVision,” the first of several upcoming Disney and Marvel projects, shows Vision well and alive in 1950s Americana. Confused?...

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