
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Swimming and diving victorious in final dual meet of the season

This past weekend, the Brandeis University swimming and diving teams competed at Clark University in the last dual meet of the 2020 season. Both the women’s and men’s teams won the meet. The men’s team won by a margin of 142-110, and the women’s team won with a score of 135-105. In total, Brandeis won 24 of the 32 events that day at Clark University. 

In this competition, there were many dominating performances from a number of individuals from Brandeis University. However, there was only one three-event winner: Uajda Musaku ’21 came in first place across multiple freestyle races. She triumphed in the 200-yard battle in 2:05.33, the 50-yard in 25.85 seconds, and the 100-yard in 56.22 seconds. The women’s team also had two double winners: Emily McGovern ’21 and Bailey Gold ’23. McGovern took home first place in the 100-yard breaststroke in 1:11.69 and the 200-yard breaststroke in 2:34.90. Gold finished first in the 100-yard butterfly in 1:00.40 and the 400 individual medley with a time of 4:51.53, while also finishing in second in the 100-yard freestyle right after teammate Musaku. 

On the men’s side, there were four double winners. Richard Selznick ’21 finished the 1000-yard freestyle in 10:22.17 seconds and had an amazing comeback to win the 400 IM in 4:23.33 seconds. Tamir Zitenly ’20 added two wins as well, with wins in the 100-yard backstroke and 100-yard butterfly, finishing in 55.56 seconds and 52.88 seconds respectively. Marcelo Ohno-Machado ’21 finished first in the 500-yard freestyle and the 50-yard freestyle, the first one in 5:06.74 and the second one in 22.37 seconds. Daniel Wohl ’21 contributed two wins in the 200-yard freestyle with an impressive time of 1:47.98, and the 100-yard freestyle in a speedy 48.83 seconds. 

In addition to these multiple event winners, there were many single event winners at this event. In their corresponding events, the following Judges each finished in first place: Abbie Etzweiler ’22 in the 1000-yard freestyle, Audrey Kim ’21 in the 100-yard backstroke, Adrienne Aponte ’20 in the 200-yard butterfly, Becky Goodfellow ’23 in the 200-yard back, Rafi Rubenstein ’22 in the one-meter diving, Benjamin Francis ’22 in the 200-yard backstroke and Joshua Liu ’23 in the 200-yard breaststroke. 

Four relay teams from Brandeis won events last weekend as well. Two women’s and two men’s teams came out on top. The women’s 200-yard medley finished in 1:55.19 seconds. This team consisted of Gold, Olivia Stebbins ’22, Emma Rennie ’23, and Musaku. The men’s 200-yard medley also finished first with a time of 1:43.90. This medley team included Zitelny, Junhan Lee ’20, Sean Riordan ’22, Ohno-Machado. The men’s and women’s 200-yard freestyle teams each came out ahead with times of 1:33.51 and 1:51.33 respectively. The men’s team was comprised of Benton Ferebee ’22, Francis, Lee, and Ohno-Machado, while the women’s team was made up of Aponte, Elizabeth Brown ’22, Etzweiler, and Goodfellow. 

The Brandeis University swimming and diving teams will wrap up the 2020 season at the University of Chicago for the UAA championships, which start on Feb. 12 and end on Feb. 15. Before the UAA championships in Chicago, the men’s team record is 6-6 and the women’s team record is 5-9. 

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