
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

In the Senate Nov. 1

Skye Liu ’23, chair of the Health and Safety committee reported that she has a Senate Money Resolution (SMR) ready for the sticker design for the condom dispensers. Liu said that a lot of union projects are not labeled and the student body does not know that it is the union that does these projects. Student Union Vice President Krupa Sourirajan ’23 agreed that the union struggles with how they brand their projects. While discussing the SMR, senators brought up the question of where the dispensers are; Liu said that she is unsure. Other senators also said they have not seen them. The senate passed the motion to vote on SMR at the meeting and passed the SMR by acclamation. 

Sourirajan expressed concern about first-years, and wanting to create a form to see how they are doing with adjusting socially. The purpose is to see general trends, as well as their plans for next semester.  

Michee Kikobo ’24 said that the Community Enhancement and Emergency Fund (CEEF) reported that they set up weekly meeting times; however, not all members attended. He was told that there needs to be communication to the student body on how to do CEEF proposals, as the only project they currently have is one that started last year.  

Courtney Thrun ’22 of the Services and Outreach Committee said that they have not yet chosen a time to fill the bags. She added that they are trying to find a venue and that they are trying to do it in the Shapiro Campus Center (SCC). Student Production Services (SPS) will be playing 1980s music.  

Sourirajan reported that the Student Union Executive Board arranged for shuttles to voting polls, which can hold up to 30 people, on Election Day. Additionally, the Student Union is co-sponsoring an Insomnia Cookies event. Sourirajan added that they are going to be preparing a housing guide for students.  

Noah Risley ’24, reported that the Social Justice Committee discussed how they can support the Black Action Plan (BAP), including diversifying Brandeis police and staff at the Brandeis Counseling Center (BCC). They have also been trying to get pronouns to be included in Sage and LATTE.   

Ashna Kelkar ’24 reported that the Dining Committee discussed the dining survey which got over 1,000 responses. She also said that there will be a “meatless Monday” next month, and that Diwali would be mostly vegetarian as well. 

Jesse Zucker ’21, chair of the Senate Sustainability Committee, said they are working on information on how to compost and properly dispose of waste, as well as waste disposal signs in the dining halls and new waste bins.

Asher Brenner ’24, chair of the Rules Committee, reported that they had their first introductory meeting and discussed some of the bylaws, such as those on quotum.   

Joseph Coles ’22 reported that there are five probationary clubs, which are going to present to the senate in the following weeks.

Facilities and Housing chair Ben Topol ’24 said that they talked about what they can do about the bad smell of some of the buildings as well as plans for the housing selection process.   

Chief Justice Jack Ranucci ’22 introduced himself and told the senators that he and the rest of the justices are there to help them understand the constitution.

James Feng ’22 suggested having Brandeis subsidize cleaning supplies for suites.

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