
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

NEWS RELEASE: Simmons departure announced after months of keeping it secret

Andrew Andy Simmons, Assistant Dean, 05 and 06/Coordinator of Premedical Programs has resigned from his position to serve as Associate Dean, Health Professions Advisor at Brown University.

Although his resignation was known to Brown Students, it was only announced at Brandeis on Monday. The Hoot learned of Dean Simmons departure in late January but due to request from Class of 2005 Dean Michele Rosenthal and to afford Simmons privacy, The Hoot did not report this until this week. Though The Hoot was led to believe that the Rosenthal would hold of an all campus to time it in conjunction with a Hoot article, Rosenthal released the e-mail early.

The Hoot learned of Simmons departure from a Brown student who was assigned Simmons as his advisor. This student then contacted someone familiar with The Hoot and asked if they had any opinion of Simmons. This person later notified The Hoot of the pending departure.

Simmons joined the Brandeis University community in 1994. Before assuming his current role in September, 2000 he worked as a Quad Director in the Office of Residence Life. He also supported the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs through his work as a project assistant. In his current role, Andy has advised countless students as a class dean and health professions advisor. He has provided leadership for the board of pre-medical advisors and has developed exemplary relationships with medical school admissions committees.

Dean Simmons will continue at Brandeis University full time through March 4, 2005. He will then work part-time (Thursdays and Fridays) through the end of the Spring 05 semester. Jennifer Lewis, Health Professions Advisor and Coordinator of the Women and Health Initiative will be available to meet with students for health professions advising and will coordinate all administrative aspects of the upcoming Pre-Med Board Interviews. Jennifer will assume these responsibilities until the Assistant Dean, Health Professions Advisor position is filled. Students in the junior class should feel free to consult with me regarding academic advising matters. Students in the senior class should contact me regarding advising matters and Alison Angell in the Office of the University Registrar regarding senior audit questions. I will have an update shortly regarding a new staff member who will fill the junior/senior advisor position.

Class of 2005 Dean Michele Rosenthal

Editors Note: This release was updated with information obtained by The Hoot from other sources than Michele Rosenthal. These updates appear in italics.

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