
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

What is the FRC?

The Faculty Handbook mandates the establishment of an appropriate deliberative process in situations where the establishment or discontinuation of academic programs, departments, centers, institutes, or schools is proposed.

Since the Dean proposed cuts for Linguistics (an undergraduate program), ancient Greek (an undergraduate major), and Music Composition and Theory (a PhD program), this deliberative process is mandated, the FRC report stated.

In addition to reviewing the cuts in the previously mentioned programs, Krauss expanded the tasks of the FRC to include:

1) reviewing Dean Jaffes data and analysis.

2) reviewing commentary received from the university community.

3) soliciting additional commentary and suggestions from the university community.

4) advising the Provost on areas of agreement and disagreement with the proposals.

5) offering alternative options or suggestions for the A&S strategic plan.

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