
To acquire wisdom, one must observe


Last week we talked about some students needing to be more responsible when it comes to their own drinking. This week, we want to commend the friends of these irresponsible students.

It has been noted by several administrators that the number of students being taken to Newton-Wellesley has gone up this year. To this end, some administrators are looking to crack down on student partying, claiming that an increase in partying is a direct cause of an increase in insurance-paid trips to the hospital.

We contend, however, that the number of students who have had too much to drink is similar to what it was in years past. However, what has changed is the attitude of those who are forced to watch their inebriated friends on the brink of consciousness returning from a night they probably wont remember (though wish they had). Instead of directing their friends to a cold shower, then making sure they go to sleep on their side and calling their responsibility to their friends safety complete, students are finally doing the responsible thing.

They are telling their Community Advisors who are in turn calling BEMCo who in turn make sure the students are safe.

Rather than blaming students for the frequent riders discount that Brandeis is earning with the ambulance company the administration should be praising the increased awareness students have about the dangers of becoming asphyxiated from alcohol induced vomit.

Students should not be punished for being concerned about their friends safety;

otherwise itll create a more dangerous environment, one where students will be unwilling to call BEMCoeven when their friends desperately need help.

By cracking down on partying the administrators wont suddenly make the campus a safer place, but will instead force students to take their partying even further underground. Instead of the administrators having a vague idea of where parties are because they are being registered, they will have no clue, because students wont want to tell them.

Worse yet, students may decide to abandon campus and move the partying off campus. This will create even more danger to students, as some will inadvertently drive under the influence or be subject to other off-campus dangers. This will hurt the already ailing social life image that Brandeis has. Administration, instead, needs to educate students on drinking responsibly and recognizing even better, when their friends need help.

If events are cancelled, students will think that the few that do exist, are an open invitation to get hammered.

We hope administrators realize that its safer for all involved that more students are choosing the Bus over the Bed.

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