
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Union Updates

‘-The Student Union, along with several other groups, held a discussion forum the day after the Carter and Dershowitz speeches occurred. I feel a lot students got overwhelmed with information, and needed an outlet for it, said Director of Communications Brian Paternostro 07. The event was moderated by Father Walter Cuenin of the Chaplaincy.

-Paternostro added that the Union wishes to have these dialogues on a monthly basis, included Black History Month, Womens History Month, and Queer Pride Month, with the possibility of co-sponsorship by on-campus groups. Programming would include bringing speakers, bringing authors, but using on-campus resources we already have.
-F-Board Marathons concluded Thursday night. The F-Board announced that it would subsidize travel costs and some lodging costs, but would not pay for retreats.

-The Unions Party Incentive Program is progressing, and is in its final stages. Paternostro said we are waiting for certain key members of the administration to give us the responses what we need. The program would reimburse registered party costs up to $50 so long as they promoted due caution and safety.

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