
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Brandeis tennis teams face mixed results over weekend

Although the womens tennis match against Colby College was canceled this past Sunday, both the mens and womens tennis teams were able to compete this weekend. The women were able to claim a victory over Mount Holyoke on Saturday in a 6-3 victory. The men, however, were defeated by their opponents this past Sunday by falling to Boston College 1 to 6. This late-season play was against strong opponents, decent competition, and saw the performances of numerous individual standouts.

On Saturday the women traveled to South Hadley Massachusetts to take on Mount Holyoke. The women had also defeated Smith College earlier that day and their victory completed their sweep of western Massachusetts womens colleges. The Judges were able to move forward early in the day after establishing a 2-1 lead in doubles competition. The women also captured the first and second place spots in singles competition in order to clinch the victory. Colleen Donnelly08 and teammate Ana Katz 08 were both able to have perfect days this Saturday. They each won their singles and doubles matches, posting valuable points for the Judges. This win means that Brandeis is currently ranked in the University Athletic Association with an 8 to 6 record.

The men did not fare as well as the women this weekend as they fell to their opponents. The Judges traveled Chesnut Hill, Massachusetts where they competed against Boston College. There, they were able to win only one match, posting a final total of 1-6. Scott Schulman 09 was able to place fifth in singles competition. He was the only Brandeis athlete of the day to place and scored the only win for the Judges. Sam Jonas 07 and Michael Vulfovich 07 had a good showing in their doubles competition on Sunday. They were eventually defeated, but the match was close, ending in a 9-7 defeat.

Both teams have few scheduled matches before finally traveling to the UAA championships later this month at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio. The judges enter this competition well prepared and with good competition under their belt. Though the rain may have canceled certain games this week and affected the performances of others, the experience wrought will yield a sunny future indeed.

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