
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Haiti relief gets grant

The Brandeis Haiti Initiative will host an ETE (Empowering Through Education) Camp celebration and promotional event on Monday as Shaina Gilbert ’10 returns to campus with counselors from the summer to share their experiences.

The evening will have musical entertainment, refreshments and presentations from students about their time in Haiti this summer.

Gilbert, who founded the camp, recently finished her second summer running ETE camp, and the camp will receive additional funding from the student philanthropic organization The Phront.

The Phront has chosen to work with BHI and help raise $1,000 for a portable library that will supply 200 books for ETE camp and $500 in school supplies. The organization will also campaign with the grant Famni Ki Li Ansamn to raise $500 that will go towards donated books for the Mattapan Public Library in an effort to reach out to the large Haitian community in Boston

Last year, the Brandeis Haiti Relief Effort raised more than 30,000 following the earthquake that struck Haiti in January. This year, BHI is continuing the groups work, focusing on educational events and promoting opportunities for Brandeis students to work at ETE camp and learn about the process of rebuilding Haiti through education.

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