
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Ziv damaged after sprinkler set off

PHOTO BY Alan Tran/The Hoot
The sprinkler and fire alarm went off in Ziv Quad Wednesday after a student mistakenly triggered the water spigot in his closet. The building was evacuated and both Public Safety and Facilities Services responded in case of possible emergency, with Facilities quickly turning off the room’s water supply.

“There was some minor damage to the building, including carpeting,” Jeremy Leiferman, the senior director of the Department of Community Living, said in a statement regarding the damages. “Work commenced immediately to repair the building and we anticipate that the suites will be restored to their normal condition within the next few days. Some students also had items that were damaged or became wet.”

The department reminded the student community that accidental safety services like the sprinkler system have gone off before, and that buildings have been evacuated before now.

“There have been a few occasions over the years since the sprinkler systems were installed where this has happened,” Leiferman said. “Students are encouraged to be aware of the locations of sprinklers in their rooms and in common areas of the residence halls to prevent this from happening in the future.”

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