
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Final Two Union Positions Filled

Students were elected to fill two vacant seats in the Student Union last week. This election was held to fill any vacancies from the Midyear Election, which was held in January. Open positions included senator for Rosenthal Quad and an associate justice seat on the Judiciary Board.

Nathan Schneider ’18 was elected as senator to Rosenthal Quad. Schneider decided to run for a position on the Union because he feels that “there is a strong disconnect between the senate and the people they represent.”

As the new Rosenthal Quad senator, Schneider would like to reach out and connect more with his fellow residents, specifically via email. “I would inform them of my office hours, request feedback for things in our quad that people would like to see change and relay information that may impact people in the quad,” said Schneider.

Schneider would specifically like to improve the cooking facilities within each building. “There are no ovens in Rosie, which poses a major inconvenience for people trying to make food,” said Schneider. Schneider believes as the Rosie Senator he can contribute to the Student Union as a whole by providing unique perspectives within the Senate and representing the people in Rosie quad with an unbiased opinion.

Tremaine Smith ’18 was elected to fill an Associate Justice seat on the Judiciary Board. The Judiciary Board is the judicial branch of the Student Union that is composed of four Associate Justices, one Chief Justice and one Clerk of the Count.

The Judiciary is in place to mediate conflicts in the Student Union. According to the Brandeis University Student Union website, “This includes, but is not limited to conflicts between: two clubs, a club and the Union, two Union members or a Union member and the Union.” Additionally, the Judiciary is the main source of constitutional interpretation for the Union.

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